Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Doctrinally correct aka To mention God, religion and the Bible… or not to mention.

Surfing through Christian blogs, videos and such produces a wealth of information.  There’s plenty of educational and informative material along with a surprising amount to enjoy and make one smile, sometimes laugh out loud.  There’s also a lot to disagree with, and a few things to make one shudder.  The video below has a little bit of all these things.

One point asserted by the video’s producer:  Too many entertainers, and others on stage or in a public forum, are doctrinally incorrect when they speak of God, religion and the Bible.  She thinks that’s wrong and often harmful, particularly because of the [huge] audience some are able to reach.  I couldn’t disagree more.

I do agree that it sometimes appears ludicrous that a particular person, given the context of lifestyle or a particular performance, even mentions God.  One example might be a thug rapper who has just finished a piece filled with slappin bitches and hos along with other nonproductive, greedy, disrespectful and violent acts.  As to many “religious” remarks made, I also agree that one may legitimately question whether or not the speaker ever stepped into a church or opened the Bible.

Still; isn’t it better to hear something said about God or religion than hear something about devil worship, white supremacy or the like?  Isn’t it good to just hear God mentioned, rather than entirely ignored, in a public forum?  If something is said that raises a few eyebrows – well, isn’t it a positive that there may be comments and debates about the nature and meaning of God and Christianity?

If only doctrinally correct assertions about God, Christ, the Spirit and the Bible were allowed in public… there wouldn’t be too many made by those of us who aren’t preachers or theologians.  And I imagine there are many who could question much of what some of them have to say.  Hmmmm… I wonder who should decide whether or not something is doctrinally correct.  I also wonder if there should be some criteria as to whether or not a particular person was righteous enough to utter it.

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