The clouds are moving from east to west this morning. This is highly unusual for southeastern Michigan; usually the weather comes in from the west. I noticed the clouds just as I was finishing another reading of the Gospel of Matthew.
A number of things struck me during the few weeks that I was reading Matthew. Some involved “simple” concepts I had not paid much attention to in prior readings (e.g. “the fiery furnace” that the wicked may be thrown into, see Matthew 13: 17-50). Others involved a few passages that have recently impacted my life. I was reminded of one point a spiritual friend made about reading scripture. Here’s a paraphrase: The soup’s not ready
It smells good. You can see it simmering. But it just ain’t quite right until it’s done. Until the cook says it’s ready.
You can taste it now, but you won’t get the full and intended effect and nourishment.
It’s like that with God’s teachings. You can read a biblical passage dozens of times. You can listen to sermons and attend biblical study groups about the passage. You can even think you get it, can think you understand it. But you won’t get the full and intended nourishment of it until you’re ready.
Are you ready for what God is pointing out?
(clip art courtesy of this site.)
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