Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let go, let God

There are shorthand expressions that Christians commonly use; one example is ‘let go, let God’.

Let go, let God:  it’s a concept that one can welcome, even cause a sigh of relief.  Plus, it seems simple enough to put into practice… initially.  It’s more difficult to apply when facing daily, monthly and eternal reality.  What, when and how much of a part must we play?

Here’s a common dilemma when facing an obstacle:  how long should we try to chip away at it, climb over it or find a way around it?  Or is it infinitely thick, high and wide.... a barrier, a sign that we’re heading in the wrong direction?

What exactly is God’s message?  How do we discern our part?  What signs may be taken as affirmation?  Scholars could write books about it; pastors can point out endless variations; fellow Christians will tell you to pray.  Myself?  I muddle along. Perhaps you have answers or suggestions.  If so… 

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